SPECweb96 Tuning Disclosure: For Digital UNIX 4.0D -------------------------------------------------- Sysconfigtab Parameters: inet: tcbhashsize - Sets the TCP control block hash table size. Default value: 32 tcptwreorder - Enables (1) or disables (0) movement of TCP inpcbs in TIME_WAIT state to end of inpcb list. Default value: 1 (enabled) tcbquicklisten - Optimizes the search algorithm for incoming TCP SYN packets. Default value: 0 skip_ippreprocess - Disables (1) or Enables (0) IP preprocessing (dbx). Default value: 0 net: netisrthreads - The number of network threads configured in a system. Default value: n (based on the number of CPUs in a system +1) netisrwakeupthreshold - Sets the threshold for the rescheduling algorithm used by the network threads. Default value: 1 proc: max-per-proc-address-space - max-per-proc-data-size - max-per-proc-stack-size - Maximum values for the current limits of the attributes per-proc-address-space, per-proc-data-size, and per-proc-stack-size. The current limits can be increased at run time by means of the setrlimit(2) system call or the ulimit(3) C library call. The current limits cannot be expanded beyond the values established by the "max-per-proc-*" attributes. Default value: max-per-proc-address-space = 1073741824 max-per-proc-data-size = 4398046511104 max-per-proc-stack-size = 33554432 max-proc-per-user - The maximum limit of processes (tasks) a user can create. (The superuser is not affected.) Default value: 64 max-threads-per-user - The maximum limit of threads a user can create. (The superuser is not affected.) Default value: 256 maxusers - The maxusers attribute is used to tune several system parameters to increase the number of users who can theoretically use a system simultaneously. Changing the value of this attribute generates changes to the values of taskmax, threadmax, and min_free_vnodes, to name a few. Default value: 32 per-proc-address-space - per-proc-data-size - per-proc-stack-size - The current upper limits of the respective resources. For example, a user stack cannot exceed the size set by the per-proc-stack-size attribute. Default value: per-proc-address-space = 1073741824 per-proc-data-size = 4398046511104 per-proc-stack-size = 2097152 socket: sominconn - Minimum value for socket listen queue length limit (backlog). Silently overrides user-specified backlog when the user backlog is less than than the value of this attribute. Takes precedence over the somaxconn attribute. Default value: 0 somaxconn - Maximum value for socket listen queue length limit (backlog). Silently overrides user-specified backlog when the user backlog is greater than the value of this attribute. The sominconn attribute takes precedence. Default value: 1024 tssmap_wireubc - Enables buffer cache pages to be wired during output. Default value: 0 tssmap_quicksum - Enables the custom checksum routine for wired UBC pages. Default value: 0 tss_disable - Disables special output handler. Default value: 0 tssmap_max_pages - Sets the Maximum number of wired buffer cache pages. Default value: 16384 vm: vm-mapentries - The maximum number of map entries that any process can use at any point in time. Each map entry describes one unique disjoint portion of a virtual address space. Default value: 200 vm-maxvas - The maximum amount of virtual address space that any user process can have at any point in time. Default value: 1073741824 vm-vpagemax - The maximum number of virtual pages within the address space for a process that can be given individual protection attributes (that is, protection attributes that differ from the protection attributes associated with the other pages in the address space). Default value: 16384 private-text - Enables (1) or Disable (0) private text sections for multiple instances of same application. Default value: 0