SPECweb99 Tuning Disclosure for Solaris 8 releases. Fujitsu Siemens Solaris-based SPECweb99 result, contents of tunables explanation identical to previous Sun explanations. See also: http://docs.sun.com:80/ab2/coll.707.1/SOLTUNEPARAMREF =========================================================================== SUT: =========================================================================== Tunables in /etc/system: sq_max_size description: The depth of the syncq (number of messages) before a destination streams queue generates a QFULL. minimum: 1 maximum: 0 (unlimited) default: 2 rlim_fd_max description: "Hard" limit on file descriptors that a single process can have open. minimum: 1 maximum: MAXINT default: 1024 rlim_fd_cur description: "Soft" limit on file descriptors that a single process can have open. minimum: 1 maximum: rlim_fd_max default: 256 autoup description: Controls the frequency of entire physical memory to be scaned for dirty pages minimum: 1 maximum: MAXINT default: 30 segmap_percent description: Size of kernel segmap segment (a section of memory used by the kernel for general purpose use) as a percentage of physical memory. minimum: 1 (or 2 Mbytes of physical memory) maximum: 99 (or 256 Gbytes of physical memory for 64bit OS) default: 12 pcisch:pci_stream_buf_enable description: Enable the system to use the streaming I/O cache on the PCI bus controller(s) for DMA transfers. This parameter is a bit-field where each PCI bus device instance maps to the corresponding bit position. minimum: 0 maximum: 0xffffffff default: 0xffffffff (streaming cache enabled on all PCI busses) =========================================================================== SNCA: =========================================================================== Tunables in /etc/system: nca_conn_hash_size description: Controls the hash table size in the NCA module for all TCP connections. Adjusted to nearest prime number. minimum: 0 maximum: 201326557 default: 383 nca_conn_req_max_q description: The maximum number of pending TCP connections for NCA to listen on. minimum: 0 maximum: 4,294,967,295 default: 256 nca_conn_req_max_q0 description: The maximum number of incomplete (three-way handshake not yet finished) pending TCP connections for NCA to listen on. minimum: 0 maximum: 4,294,967,295 default: 1024 ncaurihash_sz description: Controls the URI hash table size in the NCA module for all cacheable HTTP requests. Must be a prime number. minimum: 0 maximum: 4,294,967,295 default: 8053 ncavnodehash_sz description: Controls the vnode hash table size in the NCA module for all cacheable HTTP requests. Must be a prime number. minimum: 0 maximum: 4,294,967,295 default: 12281 nca_ppmax description: Maximum amount of physical memory (in pages) used by NCA. minimum: 1% of physical memory maximum: limited by amount of physical memory default: 25% of physical memory nca_vpmax description: Maximum amount of virtual memory (in pages) used by NCA. minimum: 1% of virtual memory maximum: limited by amount of virtual memory default: 25% of virtual memory nca_ppthresh description: The threshold in pages to control when to stop using the default kernel memory allocator minimum: 0 maximum: MAXINT default: 4 Tunables using /usr/sbin/ndd: nca_max_cache_size description: Maximum size of a unix file that will be cached by NCA. minimum: 0 maximum: 4,294,967,295 default: 10000000 nca_use_segmap description: Controls whether NCA uses the kernel segmap to share physical pages for Unix files. minimum: 0 maximum: 1 default: 0 (NCA caches files using private pages) =========================================================================== CLIENT: =========================================================================== Tunables in /etc/system: sq_max_size description: The depth of the syncq (number of messages) before a destination queue generates a QFULL. minimum: 1 maximum: 0 (unlimited) default: 2 hires_tick description: Enable the system to use a higher resolution clock - 1 millisecond. minimum: 0 maximum: 1 (1 millisecond clock) default: 0 (10 millisecond clock) rlim_fd_max description: "Hard" limit on file descriptors that a single process can have open. minimum: 1 maximum: MAXINT default: 1024 rlim_fd_cur description: "Soft" limit on file descriptors that a single process can have open. minimum: 1 maximum: rlim_fd_max default: 256 Tunables using /usr/sbin/ndd: tcp_smallest_anon_port description: The smallest value of an anonymous TCP source port. minimum: 1024 maximum: 65535 default: 32768 tcp_time_wait_interval description: The time in milliseconds a TCP connection stays in TIME_WAIT state. minimum: 1 second maximum: 10 minutes default: 4 minutes =========================================================================== NETWORKING: =========================================================================== Tunables in /etc/system: ge:ge_intr_mode description: Enable the GE driver to send packets directly to the upper communication layers rather than queueing. minimum: 0 maximum: 1 default: 0 (Queue packets to upper layers) ge:ge_dmaburst_mode description: Enable infinite burst mode for PCI DMA transactions rather than use cache-line size PCI DMA transfers. This feature supported only on Sun platforms with the UltraSparc III cpu. minimum: 0 maximum: 1 default: 0 (Use cache-line size transfers for PCI DMA) ge:ge_tx_fastdvma_min description: Mininum packet size to use fast dvma interfaces rather than standard dma interfaces. minimum: 59 maximum: 1500 default: 1024 ge:ge_nos_tmds description: Number of transmit descriptors used by the driver. minimum: 512 maximum: 8192 default: 512 ge:ge_tx_bcopy_max description: Maximum packet size to use copy of buffer into premapped dma buffer rather than remapping. minimum: 60 maximum: 256 default: 256 ge:ge_nos_txdvma description: Number of dvma buffers for transmit. minimum: 0 maximum: 8192 default: 256 ge:ge_tx_onemblk description: packet with more no. of mblks than ge_tx_onemblk to be copied into one mblk minimum: 1 maximum: any default: 2