EAR Benchmark Specifications 1. GENERAL 1.1. Classification EAR is a CPU intensive floating point scientific C application program. 1.2 Description EAR simulates the propagation of sound in the human cochlea (inner ear) and computes a picture of sound called a cochleagram. The program takes as input a sound file (in a number of different file formats) and produces either a cochleagram or a correlagram. A cochleagram is a representation that roughly corresponds to spectral energy as a function of time. A correlagram is our implementation of Licklider's duplex model of pitch perception. The result is a two dimensional movie. The theory and implementation of the cochlea model are described in "Lyon's Cochlear Model (The Mathematica Notebook)" and the correlagram is described in "A Duplex Theory of Pitch Perception". 1.3 Source/Author IBM Corp. sponsors this benchmark for SPEC. The author for Ear is Malcolm Slaney at Apple Computer. 1.4 Version/Date Benchmark Version 1.1 6/24/91 (Modified for SPEC). 056.ear was derived from Lyon's Cochlear Model August 11, 1989. Changes for SPEC include removing all machine specific references (e.g. Cray) and adding validation of results and "filters" suggested by Malcolm Slaney. 1.5 Other Information This benchmark runs on all IBM RISC SYSTEMS/6000 machines, Sun machines, DECstation 3100, and MIPS M2000. 2. PERFORMANCE 2.1. Metrics The metric used is the elapsed (real) time as output by bin/time. This time is very nearly equal to the CPU time (where CPU time is the sum of "user" and "sys" times), thereby proving that virtually no I/O is performed. 2.2. Elapsed Time Run-time on a RISC SYSTEM/6000 Model 320H is about 410 seconds (your time will vary). The SPEC Reference time (to 3 sig. fig.) is 25500. 2.3. Reports The benchmark writes its output to a file called "result.out" and also writes a cochleagram called "cochlea.pic". 2.4 Additional Performance Considerations Variations of the elapsed time between runs should not be more than 5% under normal circumstances. This benchmark should be run on an idle machine or in single-user mode since elapsed time may be highly sensitive to other activities on the machine. 3. SOFTWARE 3.1 Language EAR in implemented in C. 3.2 Operating System This benchmark runs on a variety of UNIX-based systems. 3.3 Portability The benchmark runs on both 4.2 BSD and System V based machines. No OS dependencies exist. EAR is easy to port. 3.4 Vectorizability/Multi-Processor Issues Don't Know 3.5 Miscellaneous Software None needed for execution of the benchmark. 3.6 Known Bugs None. 3.7 Additional Software Considerations None. 4. HARDWARE 4.1 Memory The performance of this benchmark is not memory dependent. text data bss 39652 17932 11900 4.2 Disks No special requirements. 4.3 Communication None. 4.4 Special Hardware This application is floating point intensive and therefore would best benefit from floating point hardware support. 4.5 Additional Hardware Considerations None 5. OPERATIONAL 5.1 Disk Space Total disk space required is < 5 MB. Size of executable is about 96 KB. 5.2 Installation Should already be installed. 5.3 Execution Compile at the highest level of optimization possible. 5.4 Correctness Verification The result file "err.out" is compared by "spiff -a1e-7". 5.5 Additional Operational Considerations None. 5.6 Sample Run Make -f M.vendor See "result.ref" directory for sample output.